Oh, the love is felt and I am sooooo much at peace now. After reading every one's response I feel my inner voice is telling me to repair.
The blessing in this lesson is that essentially my Consultant will be correcting my Trainee Consultant's
(nothing against TC's) , work who installed my locks and for that she is to be commended. She supports Dr. Cornwell, her invention and feels that she would like to make me HAPPY by re-doing them. That expression of LOVE is beyond belief to me. Of course, I'll be discussing this repair/rebuilding process with her as she examines more closely.
At any rate, after pondering, praying and reading the responses I'm convinced that I will choose to do the repair and box off my locs. I may even take down just a couple of areas in the front so that the parts are better aligned for middle and side parts for front styling purposes only, if ever. I'm not too concerned about the back because several of you made profound statements...who wants to go through the bunching and budding stages all over again when you can't even see my parts at all due to my hair density? As "bunch prone" as my hair is, that alone is confirming "repair!
To those that advised to "Take Down," I appreciate your true concern and it's now too exhausting for me to even think of it. To make the decision to go through the entire take down, walking around again with part of my head done and part undone then losing hair in the process? Whew, I don't have enough energy to deal with that at this point in my life.
Also, many valid points were made and I really did relate to a phone conversation and emails from several people. Some indicated that they had so many worries in the beginning. Case in point, not having 400 locks
(the recommended minimum), locks too big, locks not big enough, parts too exact and not hidden, more locks on one side of the head than the other. The worries soon faded as time passed and in a years time they are "completely satisfied" and their SL's are absolutely beautiful!!!
All that to say, I now have a new outlook and that is, SL's are really individual personalities and my issue is not as bad as it seemed. Some may have started with perfect parts, today they may not have them because of shifting and retightening new growth, but they are ok with it. Oh, the issue with more locks on one side of the head than the other? Everybody's head is different in some form or fashion and the bottom line is... we are still Sisterlocked and I can live through this by tackling the challenge.
I am still LOVING my locs and praising God through this experience! The responses were pouring in so fast that I could not keep up with my responses back to everyone so I've decided to address everyone here in this post because I am truly touched by the personal time you all took to help me.
Elaine, Brunsli, Karen, Jen, Detra, Pam, Tammy, Kai, Princess, Lashaune, Leighann, Maryee, Samsoness, Kemicute, Roz, Pat, Tra, Scarletlocs, Beverly, Jazzilocs, Shayla and Combfreesista. You all are the best Sisterlock family a girl can have, thanks again for your advice!!!
