We have the awesome pleasure of housing the Cadet Sisters (click onthe name, pronounced Ca-day) this week and who would have known the blessings God had in store for our family by opening our home to them??
They are also Seventh-day Adventists and are in Texas to preform at for a Youth Convention.
Last Sabbath, we went with them to four engagements and we were completely filled with the spirit of praise and song!
Their mother, Ketty is the epitome of a Christian woman who has completed home school for three girls and they are now in college. She is now home schooling the remaining three girls and they love home school.
Their mother, Ketty is the epitome of a Christian woman who has completed home school for three girls and they are now in college. She is now home schooling the remaining three girls and they love home school.
The spirit of love, peace and joy has been increased in our home and I cannot even begin to tell you about the delicious dishes they have prepared for us each day.
Ketty and her hubby, Eddi are both natives of Haiti (creoles) and if you remember my previous post about my Paternal Haitian roots, this experience comes at a time that could not be more perfect. They actually know of my surnamed family members and I've learned that they were very prominent people in Haiti.
The Cadet girls were reared in Illinois and they now reside in Utah. Their ministry is one to be appreciated in a time where most girls are doing the unthinkable. They are humble, polite, kind, helpful, joyful, loving and most of all they love the Lord!

Roux and Praline are both enjoying the company, Roux feels like he has six adopted sisters and Praline is taking in all of their musical and travel experiences. Here he is pictured like the big man on campus!!! ((lol)) They went to the mall and the girls picked out these shoes from him.
Ketty and her hubby, Eddi are both natives of Haiti (creoles) and if you remember my previous post about my Paternal Haitian roots, this experience comes at a time that could not be more perfect. They actually know of my surnamed family members and I've learned that they were very prominent people in Haiti.
The Cadet girls were reared in Illinois and they now reside in Utah. Their ministry is one to be appreciated in a time where most girls are doing the unthinkable. They are humble, polite, kind, helpful, joyful, loving and most of all they love the Lord!

Roux and Praline are both enjoying the company, Roux feels like he has six adopted sisters and Praline is taking in all of their musical and travel experiences. Here he is pictured like the big man on campus!!! ((lol)) They went to the mall and the girls picked out these shoes from him.
Ketty has been preparing the best dishes, here is the latest and I was full as a tick! This dish consists of peas & rice, smothered tofu and potatoes with grilled onions and bellpeppers. The Cadet's are vegans and we practice the vegaterian diet at home only so Beignet is especially over indulging himself in all of this good eating!!!!