I left out some details on my install wrap post so lets's begin the question and answer post:
Brenda asked:
In your opinion, is it easy to do with just written instructions or would the dvd be necessary? Also I see the site recommends one look per tool. With Sisterlocks that could be quite impractical. Were you satisified with your results? And how many wrap-a-loc tools do you think would be necessary for a full set? Lastly, from the description it seemed like I'd need medium length tools. My hair falls just beneath my collarbone, not quite to my bra strap in back. Is medium the right size? Would you recommend all one size or the variety pack?
1. Yes, the tools are easy to use and the instructions are quite technical so taking the class was better for me because I am a visual person. If you order the CD you should not have any problems.
2. Depends on the size of your lock, I used three on each tool to achieve my look. If your locks are smaller than mine you could easily use 4 -5 locks per tool.
3. I used medium size tools with my lenght and I was very satisfied with the results. See my latest post.
4. The number of locks you have will depend on the number of tools so you have to do the math. Count your locks and divide by 4 or 5 depending how many locks you will use and that will give the number to tools you will need and you can then better determine which pack will best suit you.
5. Also, I used the foam setting lotion by
Krinkles & Kurls but any foam lotion will suffice.
TRA: Do you think you will add this to your services if a person has there on tools with them (hint hint hint)?
Creyole: Most Definately, already got them lined up!
GovGirl: Did you dampen your hair before wrapping? If so, I'll bet you have a head full of cute curls!
Creyole: Yes, I used Krinkles & Kurls, but any foam mousse will work
Brunsli: How long did it take, and how many locks did you use for each one?
Creyole: It took approx two hours to install using three to four locks on each tool
Is it easy to use? Do you use any setting lotion, etc. I might just have to purchase the DVD and tools. I will decide once I see how your hair will come out.
Creyole: I sure hope you like my reuslts cause I sure do! Yes, its very easy to use and purchasing the DVD and instruction kit will probably be all you need!