I couldn't help but notice how awesome you look in the NYC pic. Very fit indeed. I was wondering if you would share your work out regiment as well as what you are eating and if you are taking any vitamins, supplements, etc?
My Response:
TRA, first of all, I'm both flattered and humbled! It's good to know something is showing on this "40 something" body because I started working out in February and increased my supplements, here's my diet regiment:
Diet - I now only eat chicken, turkey and fish, lots of veggies and I take the following:
One a day multi-vitamin w/antioxidant protection
Omega3 oil softgels
Magnesium tablets
Biotin capsules
Drink lots of water!!
Detox - I'm addicted to hydrotherapy! In the past I would have a colon cleanse twice a year but so far this year I've already had three. Love the process because we have about six feet of colon and over a period of time the colon can hold waste that can lead to colon cancer and other diseases. Depending on diet and how one eliminates we can easily have 4-7 pounds of waste stored in our colon. My hydrotherapist, Shannon, is great if anyone in the Dallas area would like to try the process...one day.