This post is dedicated to my Consultant, Ms. Elaine Hill, she is located in the heart of Dallas, 7979 Inwood (Inwood and Lovers Lane), 214 956.7842. She is both a Cosmtologist and Certified Sisterlock Consultant; Ms. Elaine (bottom left & right) is also a true advocate of Dr. Cornwell and she has been certified for seven years. She loves her work
and is both professional and knowledgeable, a real jewel! Her clientele consist of both men and women who wear natural hair styles and locks. Over 90% of her patrons are locked and she herself has

worn beautiful traditional locks for over eight years. (With her permission, she allowed me to post her photos so I'd appreciate if you do not copy them...thanks!) We've had conversations about her cutting off her traditional locks and starting Sisterlocks TM. While I love Sisterlocks TM, I couldn't image cutting my beautiful traditional locks to start the process all over again! According to our recent dialogue that time may be real soon!

I am probably one of Ms. Elaine's most worrisome clients and I really admire her spirit because she is always so patient, honest and warm. Now, since she takes great pride in her work and doing what's best for each individual customer she does not hold her tongue if you overstep the boundaries. She is very open to questions and ideas but makes sure you understand that "your" hair type is not like the next person so you can't look at others and expect the same results. You are da bomb Ms. Elaine, and I really enjoy the services you provide, especailly those wonderful washes before retightening.
While I was in the Salon last week I met a new Sisterlocker, Cindy Moy. Ms. Elaine started Cindy's SL's six weeks ago and I began asking questions about her decison to get Sisterlocks TM.

Cindy shared her story with me, she had been in the valley of decision to get "locked up" for a while when Ms. Elaine mentioned the Sisterlock TM process and showed her the video. After seeing the video she became intrigued and soon ran into someone that actually had them and then she grew totally convinced that Sisterlocks TM is what she wanted. Cindy also allowed me to take a photo while Ms. Elaine retightened her hair and I'm sure she will be starting a blog of her own journey soon. Click on the pic to get a closer view. Cindy, welcome to the sisterhood of Sisterlocks TM and thanks for allowing me to post the beginning your the journey on my blog!!!!
If any of you are in the Dallas/Ft Worth Texas area, I would highly recommend Ms. Elaine for any of your locking and natural hair care needs.
Reminder: DFW Sisterlockers, looking forward to our Christmas Brunch and BlaqKofi birthday celebration December 4th!!!!