Looks are very deceiving! When you first view this photo it appears that the lady is helping a man in his wheel chair, right? WRONG!
Let me explain. After having lunch with a couple of co-workers, we were walking back to the office when we ran into these two people. The deranged white lady in the green shirt was cussing and beating the Hispanic man in the head with her fist. She then took his wheel chair and ran him into a building then off the side walk and into oncoming traffic. One of his legs was in a cast and the other had blood all over it. She was literally trying to harm him.
Finally, the rubber from the wheel came off his wheel chair and she was trying to put it back on so she could continue on her stir crazy journey. People walked past them as if nothing was happening and we just could not leave him alone with her.
I immediately whipped out my cell phone and called 911. I was hysterical on the phone with the operator and every time the lady punched the man in the face I would yell and scream to the operator to hurry up and send someone. Finally, she calmed "me" down enough so I could give her the location and description of the two.
We had no idea if these two people knew each other or not, it appeared to us that she just started picking on him. Obviously, she was mentally ill and the man did not deserve the abuse he was receiving. He kept saying, someone help me, she's trying to kill me!!!
Five minutes later the police and ambulance arrived, I and two others gave witness to the incident and she continued to talk real crazy and get aggressive the officers. They handcuffed her and sat her on the ground. After answering the officer’s questions I added "you all need to lock her up before she kills someone!" Then, she and her demonic strength got up off the ground while three officers were holding her and she came up to me and spat in my face. All, I heard was the crowd go....... UGH!!!! Now, this is the one thing I have often said I would never allow anyone to get away with. Never say never!
I was so mad at myself............... because I did not move fast enough to get out of the way of her flying DNA...it just happened too fast! I know there is a God because it took God and ALL the heavenly angels to restrain my will to punch this lady smack in the face. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and I realized it was not worth causing additional drama to the scene by having the both of us handcuffed and given a free ride down to the county jail in the same car. I must admit her eyes were void and I am a scary cat when it comes to mental illness so the further away I was from her the better.
The officers covered her face with a mask and handed me towels to wipe off with. By this time there were now 7 officers at the scene. Needless to say, after completing the police statement for the Hispanic mans court case I went right over to CVS and bought alcohol, cotton swabs, toothpaste and a toothbrush. I must have swabbed my entire face, my face powder was no more and I didn't want to even drink water with my own lips. Oh Lord help me!!!
My day was over and I could not wait to get home to my shower. I felt like I had been in a fight with the devil himself.
After reflecting on the painful journey, I'd do it all over again knowing I did not have to hear/see on the 6:00 news that the same deranged lady had killed a man in a wheel chair.
I carry my camera daily for hair features on my blog and I could not resist using it for this situation. I hate I did not get a better photo but I was a nervous reck while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Those five minutes seemed like an eternity and I'll be taking my lunch to work for the remainer of this week and maybe next week too.
What would you have done?