All weekend the weather has been non stop rain and I absolutely love the rain, thunderstorms and lightening shows. This time last year we were praying for rain, so I have no complaints.
Yes, call me weird but when the raindrops are hitting our rooftop and the lightening show displays its beauty I meditate on the blessings of God and sit back with a good read.
I'm sure my appreciation for rain and thunderstorms are embedded in me by my grandmother. Who today, still unplugs every electrical appliance in her house and sits still until it passes. Oh, I can still hear the rain dropping down on their tin roof top down in the bayou. Somehow, we always had good laughter from my gradnfathers jokes about other family members! Isn't it funny how those times are passed down generation to generation?
I digress, I was so excited to find the book because it was published in 1958 and was $5.95 then. I worked over the poor seller and he let it go for $45.00. When I'm not reading the book, it sits on my living room table as a conversation piece.
Happy Locversary to me!! These days I'm loving freestyling since the humidity takes my curls as soon as I walk out the door. So until the sun comes out again, I'm freestyling and loving it. OK, got to get back to my book!
BTW, Praline just made her one year lockversay last month, see her progress here.