I know...... it's been a while since I've updated my blog and I cannot even begin to explain the events of the past two weeks. I must say thanks to all of you for the overwhelming emails, phone calls, generous donations and especially prayers!!!!
This blog is especially dedicated to my SL journey but I cannot exclude the experience we've had regarding Hurricane Katrina, so please be patient with me as I share the past two weeks. My husband and I are both from Louisiana and this tragedy is near and dear to our hearts. New Orleans is one of our favorite cities and we share wonderful romantic dating memories as well as family vacation memories with our children. This tragedy is beyond unbelieveable to us!!!
(The picture above is my niece from New Orleans, lost everything in Katrina but she is in great spirits, my daughter and me!)
Hurricane Katrina has made a tremendous impact on our family. We have several family members here in Duncanville with us and our church is housing others in our church cabins in Athens, TX. Reggie (my husband) has one brother (Jonas, 46) that has not yet been accounted for, we’re praying he is OK with hopes that he will be contacting us soon. All of my husband’s family except his sister lost everything. His sister's home did not sustain any water damage but was looted. Please continue to keep my brother-in-law and the people of New Orleans in prayer.
With all that has occurred in the past two weeks, my hair was one thing I did not have to worry about. We were averaging three hours of sleep each night and I got up one morning and realized that I had not done a thing to my hair! Through all of the chaos my Sisterlocks held strong with me each and every day!!! I ran into a sister in Starbucks today and the first thing I noticed were her beautiful Sisterlocks....she too was from New Orleans and we began to exchange our stories of family members affected by Katrina. Loved the instant connection of true Sisterlock Sisterhood! No one believes that I can just sleep on it and get up and go. This is the real beauty of wearing Sisterlocks. A true lifestyle!!

All of the children are now enrolled in school and one of Reggie's nieces (picture above) decided to finish out her senior year in Duncanville with us. She started school last week thanks to Gov. Perrys request allowing New Orleans victims admission to Texas schools. Duncanville High welcomed her with open arms, gave her school supply and uniforms. God really works in mysterious ways! She was a little down because she would not be able to finish her senior year with any of her McDonald 35 classmates, when she arrived to register at Duncanville……three of her classmates were in the office registering. It was an overwhelming experience and they all grabbed each other, formed a group hug and shedded tears of joy!!!! It was like a scene in a tearjerker movie!!!!
(All displaced children in above right picture. The camp gave them an awesome outlet of water activities.)
The Katrina experience has made us realize that "any" of us could lose everything we have in a matter of 24 hours....... but through our weakness we are made strong. God be with us, we have been humbled!
The Katrina experience has made us realize that "any" of us could lose everything we have in a matter of 24 hours....... but through our weakness we are made strong. God be with us, we have been humbled!

(Click on above pictures for larger view, my daughter wears twists and loves her natural hair.)
Love & Happiness!
SL'd 15 weeks