Well, yes I'm sure you are thinking "that hair sure is thick," it's the famous words of all my hair stylists and braiders. I can't tell you how much everyone that had to do anything to my hair would try and make me get a relaxer.
This was taken in 2001 and I was into my fifth year of nappyism. My family did the freak when I first started growing out my natural hair. Being from Louisiana, if it's not straight it's not good hair.
Too many days of braiding, wearing two strand twists, taking it down only to start the process all over again. I was ready for something new.... I must admit, while I was wearing these different styles so many people wanted to know how, what, why and oh yeah, "you sure are brave to wear your hair like that." The funny thing is everyone was worried about what corporate America would think, that was "never" part of my thought process. When you are ready to accept what the good Lord has blessed you with you just go with the flow.
To get this style, I would wash and braid about six cornrow braids down the sides and the back of my head. Let it dry and and take it out the next morning. Done deal!
Also, after reading "Good Hair" by Lonnice Brittenum Bonner I went into complete rebellion. It was the most self acceptance book I've ever read and I could totally relate to every single word written. I believe every sister should read this book!!!! Thanks Lonnice................