Monday, October 08, 2007

Remember Thomasa?

Many ask about Thomasa, she being the dedicated teacher she is, does not have enough time to update her blog and hold down her motherly duties to their 2 1/2 children. Yep, she is pregnant and her family is soooo excited!

Anywho, here she is 1.8 years later sporting her Braidlocks. I told her she will need a grooming soon, she can hardly keep up with her retightenings because of the hair growth resulting from the pregnancy.

Her hair is really spongy so it appears to be shorter than it actually is will pulled downard. So there you are

For those of who do not remember Thomasa, here is the pic of the braidlocks from our install day.

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Anonymous said...

Please send my congratulations to Thomasa! Her locks look healthy. Thanks fo rthe update on her.

Goodnapps said...

Wow - they've really matured. Very big congratulations.