Today in Dallas we had an "Ice Storm," many schools and businesses closed early.
People in Dallas drive real crazy in this type of weather and the streets are never prepared. Boy, do I miss the salt and sand on the streets of Chicago during times like this. When I lived there, streets were never a problem.
Why can't Dallas get it together??? For heavens sake, they could not even sand the HOV lane for quicker service to and from Downtown..
Anyway, while out and about in the 25 degree and 17 degree wind chill temp it was the first time in a long time that I wished I had my natural hair hat. The wind was cutting right through my locked parts and my scalp felt chilled to the bone. The wind could never get through my thick mane before locks. LOL!
The photo above was taken during my natural years and my hair came in very handy when I needed a head covering. I was natural for 10 years before I decided on my Sisterlocks last year and although I miss my natural I'm stilll mad in love with my locks.
If you look real close at the pic you can see some areas of my hair that are semi straight but thick. As Bgybaby says "it's the Indian, Creole & African hair fighting each other. Not sure who will win but one thing I know for sure.....the different hair types is what caused my hair to "bunch" during my first six months. See pic below.

Bunching is no joke and all you can do about it is be patient and after washing pull each strand so that it stretches. And, because of the frizzy hair along the lock my best style was braid out and settingon rods for different styles.
As Brunsli mentioned in one of her previous post, because of our hair types it's almost impossible to color without bunching coming alive.
Peace Ya'll!
I love you natural hair picture. Very beautiful. I'm from Chicago and we definitely got hit real hard with snow. In my area we got 16 inches of snow.
Thanks for sharing, that info about stretching the locks after you wash seems very helpful. I'm going to give it a try next time I wash.
I fear this is going to be a cold and windy winter... If you find some great natural hair hats and caps, do let me know.
That is a gorgeous photo. It's not just the big beautiful hair, but your complete look. You are really beautiful inside and out!!
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