I so regret that I wasn't able to get to talk with Dr. Naijean Bernard like I had planned to, as she puts it, "The brunch was like sensory overload, in a good way! So much to see and do. " Naijean drove down from Austin, TX by herself to meet and socialize with the DFW Gals!
Naijean has been locked since January 10, 2004, about 2 years, 10 months. She works as a psychologist for the State of Texas, and in the process of studying for her licensure examination.
There are many things she likes about her Sisterlocks. The main thing is the freedom. When she had a relaxer, she says, "going to the salon was enjoyable due to the social atmosphere, but it was not time effective or a wise way to spend money." When she last had a relaxer, the charge was about $60 for a touch-up, every 6 weeks. Now, she can retighten my own hair, at her own leisure, for free! Viewing everyone's blogs makes her want to start styling her hair more often. I usually just wear it straight and still loves the style. (Keep up the good blog work my blog buddies!)
We also share a common faith as a Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA), Naijean grew up a SDA in the Washington DC area and went to SDA schools up until college. She also attended a HBCU (Howard) and then a public university (So. IL Univ) for graduate school. It really wasn't until graduate school that she developed a personal relationship with God for herself. "I guess being away from everything familiar on the East Coast and my support system made me rely on God more. " She recently moved to Texas from Maryland and looking for her niche in terms of church ministry.
Hope to see more of you Naijean!

LaChanda, what a beautiful post. I loved Naijean's quite spirit. I agree that it's so difficult to personally talk to everyone at our gatherings because we have grown so.
I'm so glad you featured her, we sat next to each other at the brunch, and had alot of small talk, but I didnt get the opportunity to get o know more about her! If you're reading this Naijean, it would be great to see a Blog of your own!
You both look great and it seems as if you both had a wonderful time. As you know I too am a SDA and would love the opportunity to meet both of my sisters sometime in the future. There is a prayer conference in Feb in Tx. Will you be attending LaChanda? I was trying to interest our AY leader in taking a couple of kids down, but I don't know if it will happen. I won't be coming probably as we are preparing for my son's wedding in Huntsville next summer. Be blessed everyone!!
I find that there aren't too many of us locked ladies in the Adventist community.. or maybe thats just my conference.. dunno.. either way.. glad ur doing it!
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